Professional installation

We have a team of trained professionals who work around your requirements
to find a perfect solution for your space. The installation of new windows or
replacement of the old ones happens smoothly with minimum discomfort and
close to no clutter.

Simple, hassle-free service

Even though all our products are manufactured in state of the art machinery with your design
specifications, we keep a close check on the performance even after installation. Still, if you
ever face any issue with the functioning of the windows and doors, you can simply raise a
request and the technicians will personally visit your home and resolve the problem in no time

How to get ready

  • The inside as well as the outside walls around the window cavity should be finished in every respect, along with the sill.
  • There should be no obstructions on the window sill.
  • The dimensions should be measured at 3 points (extreme ends and the middle) along the inside width and height of the window cavity. Difference, if any, should not vary more than 12mm.
  • The width of the window sill should be more than the width of the window frame being ordered.
  • Clear instructions should be given regarding the flushing of the window frame – whether it is to be aligned to the outside wall or to the inside wall. If it is to be installed somewhere in the middle of an extra wide sill, then exact specifications should be given about the space to be left on the outside or inside.
  • No POP work should be done on the edge of the window sill or on the wall face along the window cavity, as it is likely to be damaged during installation. Before installation at least one coat of paint should have been applied to the sill area.
  • In case grills are being installed they should be fixed in advance, on the outside, for sliders and inward opening windows. For outwards opening windows they will be fixed post the installation of the window.

Come & try our services

we always give the best Quality and  price